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Wheat flour milling and processing equipment

Category:Product Knowledge    Update time:2024-06-17 15:46:26    Views:
Wheat flour milling plant mainly includes 3 parts:
Wheat Cleaning: wheat grain cleaning machinery is processed byvibrating screen,, destoner, scourer, wheat washing machine, etc. To remove various impuritues in the grain wheat.
Wheat Milling; the main machine of wheat milling plant includes roller mills, plansifter, purifier, etc. The wheat grain is ground and seived to obtainthe wheat flour of different grades and usage.
Flour Packaging: we use automatic flour packaging machine, bag the flour into required specifications.

Taixing team can always supply the optimized solution with attractive cost to meet different client's request.
Please contact with us if you are interested in wheat flour mill machine.
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